Sunday, March 13, 2016

Life Changing Magic spark joy everyday: by Author Mark Kondo

This is such a thoughgtful book/journal! It has so meaning being behing every quote for each month. Truly inspiring and uplifting! You can write something tha inspired you everyday in the sections provided.  The name of the book says it all, life changing magic. That is wha it can feel like...very life changng, simply write down something....anything that you inspired you for the day. Let you mind run wild and glow through your your fingers onto the page. Don't make it to lengthly you may run out of room lol. 

 What the Author is saying can you really touch your heart and make you REALLY think about your life. You'll think about the people around you, your kids even the things you have in or outside of your home. To me the Author seems truly humble, generous and in touch with his self. It will make you realize what's most important in your life and things forgotten.

 I highly recommend this book/journal!

12 count body painting colour by SUZHOU BINGXIN STATIONERY CO.,LTD

First I wanna say it's worth buying as it's not expensive. Secondly I purchased this on Amazon and since I have prime it arrived wit...